Cathedral and Heinz Chapel


Forged in Inquiry

For over 200 years, Pitt has been driven by the search. By the rush that comes from connecting dots and seeing ideas converge. Our investigations are no different. We are driven by curiosity and doing better. We embrace each setback as fuel for something greater.

Investigative Procedure Overview

The Student Code of Conduct and University policies often guide the specific procedures followed during an investigation. The following overview provides a general description of process that remains consistent across policies and constituencies. 

For students, more specific information about the investigative process can be found here.

For staff and faculty, more specific information about the investigative process can be found here

Step One: Referral and Initial Inquiry

  • Referral from the Pitt Concern Connection or University department, school or office
  • After an initial inquiry, the CIE office will evaluate the allegations in the context of existing University policies to either recommend further investigation or an alternate resolution

Step Two: Investigation

  • Conducted by the CIE Office, often in collaboration with other University partners
  • The CIE Office will interview witnesses and gather relevant evidence 
  • Confidentiality and non-retaliation are essential components of the investigative process

Step Three: Final Report and Outcomes

  • The CIE Office creates a formal report of investigation, which includes identifying key facts and offering conclusions, where permitted by University Policy.
Our Investigators

CIE investigators are guided by both the desire uncover relevant facts and the importance of treating all participants fairly and with respect. Our investigators are mindful of the ethical responsibilities of their positions and adhere to their own code of conduct.

Required Training

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and requires that all investigators receive training in the following areas:

  • the definition of sexual harassment
  • how to investigate
  • how to conduct impartial investigations by avoiding pre-judgement of the facts at issue
  • conflicts of interest
  • bias
  • issues of relevance

Additional Training 

In addition to the required topics noted above, all CIE investigators complete training concerning:

  • consent
  • developing responses to disclosures
  • trauma, sexual violence, and abuse
  • supporting trans and non-binary community members
  • conducting remote interviews
  • report writing
  • conducting workplace investigations (recurring annually)
  • Clery Act reporting (recurring annually)
  • University Policies and Procedures (recurring annually)